
Bidroid Affiliate聯盟營銷信息

Offers數量: 100+
佣金類型: CPI, CPL, RevShare
最低付款額: $100
支付頻率: Net-30
支付方法: PayPal, Wire
佣金比例: 10%
追蹤軟件: Affise
追蹤鏈接: N/A

電話:+91 9742208996

郵箱:[email protected]


We are a digital marketing consultancy firm with rich experience in various facets of digital advertising. We help advertisers with end to end Media plan and execution keeping in mind the ROI goals. Our primary focus is on mobile strategy, product and services design, execution, user acquisition and product evolution. On a whole we are dedicated to empowering advertisers with sophisticated solutions to connect with right audience and publishers to monetize their digital properties.
